Current Forecast: Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours

Last Reporting at 14:45 on 04/27/24

Current Weather Conditions

Current Outside Temperature at  14:45 on 04/27/24 in Lothian Maryland is 56.5;
Current WindChill at  14:45 on 04/27/24 in Lothian Maryland is 56.5;
Current DewPoint at  14:45 on 04/27/24 in Lothian Maryland is 52.7;
Current Temperature, Heat, Wind Index at  14:45 on 04/27/24 in Lothian Maryland is 56.5°
Current Heat Index at  14:45 on 04/27/24 in Lothian Maryland is 56.5°
Current Temperature Conditions at 14:45 on 04/27/24 at the N3UJJ Weather Station

Current Humidity is 95%  in Lothian Maryland
Current Barometic Pressure is 30.021in in Lothian Maryland
Current Air Density is 0.0725lb/cu.ft in Lothian Maryland
 Current EMC (Equilibrium Moisture Content) is 21.6% in Lothian Maryland
30.407 and Falling Slowly
Current Air Quality at 14:45 on 04/27/24 at the N3UJJ Weather Station

Current Daily Rain is 0.01 in in Lothian Maryland Current Storm RainFall is 0.00 in in Lothian Maryland Current Storm Rate is 0.00 in/hr in Lothian Maryland Month to date RainFall is 0.02 in in Lothian Maryland Year to date RainFall is 12.38 in in Lothian Maryland
0.00 in
0.00 in
0.00 in/hr
2.57 in
8.90 in
Current Precipitation at 14:45 on 04/27/24 at the N3UJJ Weather Station


Current Wind Direction is 360° in Lothian Maryland Current Wind Speed is 0.0mph in Lothian Maryland Average Wind Speed (over last 10 minutes) is 0.0mph in Lothian Maryland
2.0 mph
2.0 mph
Current Wind Conditions at 14:45 on 04/27/24 at the N3UJJ Weather Station

12 Hour Weather Trends

Outside Temperature Graph for the last 12 hours  in Lothian MarylandOutside Heat Index Graph for the last 12 hours  in Lothian Maryland in Lothian MarylandOutside Wind Chill Graph for the last 12 hours in Lothian Maryland
Current Thermal Heat Index in Lothian MarylandCooling Degree Days Graph for the last 12 hours in Lothian MarylandHeating Degree Days Graph for the last 12 hours in Lothian Maryland
12 Hour Temperature Trends at the N3UJJ Weather Station

Wind Speed Graph for the last 12 hours in Lothian MarylandWind Direction Graph for the last 12 hours in Lothian Maryland
High Wind Speed Graph for the last 12 hours in Lothian MarylandHigh Wind Direction Graph for the last 12 hours in Lothian Maryland
12 Hour Wind Speed Trends at the N3UJJ Weather Station

Rain Graph for the last 12 hours in Lothian MarylandRain Graph for the last 12 hours in Lothian Maryland
12 Hour Precipitation Trends at the N3UJJ Weather Station

Barometric Pressure Graph for the last 12 hours in Lothian MarylandHumidity Graph for the last 12 hours in Lothian MarylandDew Point Graph for the last 12 hours in Lothian Maryland
Air Density Graph for the last 12 hours in Lothian MarylandWind Run Graph for the last 12 hours in Lothian MarylandEMC Graph for the last 12 hours in Lothian Maryland
12 Hour Air Quality Trends at the N3UJJ Weather Station